Wednesday, 6 July 2011




Cantilever Beam Used to move
Electronic Parts

  A mechanical assembly system moves sensitive electronic parts from one location to another using a small cantilever beam. The beam has two sections as shown in the diagram. The electronic parts will only be located on the extended section of the beam. The deflection of the beam tip is critical in the assembly process.
What is known:
  • A solid steel beam supports electronic parts over half of the beam.
  • The parts have an average weight per area of 0.04 N/mm2.
  • The steel stiffness, E, is 200 GPa.
  • The two beam parts are rigidly connected.
  • The beam is attached to the delivery mechanism and the connection can be assumed to be fixed.

    What is the deflection of the beam tip?


  • Modify the area load to a linear load.
  • Determine the moment of inertia and the moment equations for both beam sections.
  • Identify the boundary conditions.
  • Integrate the moment equations to find the deflection equations.


Beam Deflection, v, and Slope, dv/dx
  Previously, beam stresses and strains were investigated and various equations were developed to predict bending and shear stresses. In addition to stresses, deflection and slope are important and need to be calculated. This section (and this chapter) will deal with various methods to calculate beam deflections.

  Deflection Differential Equation

Bending Moment, M, and
Radius of Curvature, ρ are related
  When a moment acts on a beam, the beam rotates and deflects. The relationship between the radius of curvature, ρ, and the moment, M, at any given point on a beam was developed in the Bending Stress and Strain section as
This relationship was used to develop the bending stress equation but it can also be used to derive the deflection equation.
Recall from calculus, the radius of curvature for any point of a function, y = f(x), is

Geometry of Beam Bending
and Deflection
  For beams, it is convenient to note the deflection as v (upward is positive) instead of y. Also, for small deflections, the first derivative or slope, dy/dx, is small. If it is squared, then it is very small and can be assumed to be zero. In other words, (dv/dx)2 ≈ 0. This simplifies the radius of curvature equation to
Combining this with the bending stress equation gives standard moment-curvature equation,
This differential equation is also commonly written as
EIv´´ = M
where the prime, ´ , represents a derivative with respect to x. Since there are two derivatives, there are two slashes. (It is good to recall from dynamics, a dot above a letter represents a time derivative, but a slash represents a spatial derivative.)
    Solving the Deflection Differential Equation (Moment-Curvature Equation)

Each Beam Section Requires its
Own Deflection Equation

  The differential equation EIv´´= M is not useful by itself but needs to be applied to a beam with specific boundary conditions. Generally, EI is constant and M is a function of the beam length. Integrating the equation once gives,
Integration again gives,
The integration constants, C1 and C2, are determined from the boundary conditions. For example, a pinned joint requires the deflection, v, equals 0. A fixed joint requires both the deflection, v, and slope, v´, equal 0. Each beam section must have at least two boundary conditions.
Each beam span must be integrated separately, just like when constructing a moment diagram. If the moment curve is discontinuous, then a single equation cannot model the deflection. Thus, each new support or load will start a new beam section that must be integrated. Examples of beam sections are shown at the left.

Boundary Conditions for Beam Sections
  Boundary Conditions

  Determining the boundary conditions is usually the most difficult part of solving the deflection differential equation. In particular, boundary conditions for multiple beam sections can be confusing.
For multiple beam sections, many times the boundary between the sections creates a boundary. These type of conditions are also called "Continuity Conditions". For example, a point force on a beam causes the deflections to be split into two equations. However, the beam's deflection and slope will be continuous at the load location requiring v1 = v2 and v´1 = v´2. These conditions are needed to solve for the additional integration constants.
The table at the left summarizes most common boundary (and continuity) conditions for beam deflection and slope.


Beam Loading
  The deflection at the beam tip can be determined by first finding the moment equations and then integrating those equations. There are actually two moment equations, one for each half, since the load and beam structure is not continuous. Four boundary conditions will be needed, two for each beam section.
    Moment Equation and Diagram

Moment and Shear Diagrams
  One method to determine beam deflections is to integrate the moment equation. This requires that the moment equation is known before starting the integration. This can be done by cutting each beam section and developing a moment equation as a function of the beam location, x (details for this process can be found in the Shear and Moment Diagrams section).
For the cantilever beam, there are two sections. The first one is from point A to B. The second is from point B to C. Making a cut in the first sections and solving for the moment and shear at the cut surface gives,
     V1 = -0.48x  N
     M1 = -0.24x2  N-mm
The second cut in section 2 gives
     V2 = -24.0  N
     M2 = -24 (x - 25) N-mm
          = -24x + 600  N-mm
The equations are plotted at the left.
    Beam Properties

  The moment of inertia for a rectangular cross section gives,
     I1 = 12(3)3/12 = 27.0 mm4
     I2 = 16(5)3/12 = 166.7 mm4
The material stiffness, E, is given as
    E = 200 GPa = 200×109 N/m2 (1 m/1000 mm)2
       = 200,000 N/mm2
    Integrating Moment Equations

    The deflection of any beam can be found by integrating the basic moment differential equation,
     EIv´´ = M
However, each section must be integrated separately. Integrating section AB twice gives,
Recall, v is the deflection and v´ is the slope of the beam. The constants of integration, C1 and C2, must be determined from the boundary conditions (see below).
Integrating the second beam section BC, gives
    Boundary Conditions

Four Boundary Conditions
  There are four constants of integrating that need to be defined. This requires four boundary conditions.
The first two conditions are due to the fixed joint at the right end. This requires both the deflections, v, and the slope, v´, to be zero. These are listed in the table at the left as conditions 1) and 2).
Another two conditions can be identified at the joint between beam sections 1 and 2. Since the beam is continuous, the beam deflection and slope on either side of the joint must be equal. This gives the third and fourth condition, as listed in the table.
    Determining Constants

    With the four boundary conditions defined, four equations can now be constructed which will allow all four constants to be determined. Generally, boundary conditions can be applied so that only one constant is present in a given equation. However, sometimes two or three equations will need to be solved simultaneously.
Boundary Condition 2)   v´2 = 0 at x = 100 mm
     33.33×106 v´ = -12x2 + 600x + C3
     33.33×106 (0) = -12(100)2 + 600(100) + C3
     C3 = 60,000 N-mm2
Boundary Condition 1)   v2 = 0 at x = 100 mm
     33.33×106 v = -4x3 + 300x2 + C3x + C4
     33.33×106 (0) = -4(100)3 + 300(100)2
                                         + 60,000(100) + C4
     C4 = -5.0×106 N-mm3
Boundary Condition 4)   v´1 = v´2 at x = 50 mm
     C1 = 19,720 N-mm2
Boundary Condition 3)   v1 = v2 at x = 50 mm
     C2 = -1,145,000 N-mm3
    Final Deflection Equations

Final Deflection Curve
  The final deflection equations for both beam sections are
    v1 = -3.704×10-9x4 + 0.003652x - 0.2120 mm
                     applies for 0 ≤ x ≤ 50
    v2 = -1.2×10-7x3 + 9.0×10-6x2 + 0.0018x - 0.15 mm
                     applies for 50 ≤ x ≤ 100
The maximum deflection at the tip (x = 0) is
     vx=0 = -0.2120 mm



Partially Loaded Beam
  Beams commonly have distributed loads over only sections of the total beam, similar to the beam shown in the diagram. In this case, what is the deflection of the far right end (point C)? Assume the modulus of elasticity, E, is equal to 10 GPa.

  There are two basic ways to solve this problem using integration. First, the moment in both beam sections, AB and BC, can be determined, and then integrated using two boundary conditions for each span.
A second, and easier method, would be to find the rotation angle at B, and then just extrapolate the deflection from B to C. This is possible since there are no loads on the beam section BC and thus there will be no bending. The section BC will rotate, but it remain a straight line. Of course, the rotation at B still needs to be determined by integrating the moment equation, but it is only one equation instead of two equations needed in method 1.

Beam Support Reactions
  Due to symmetry, each of the two supports will carry half the load, giving,
     Ay = By = 3(2)/2 = 3 kN
The moment equation for the first span, AB, is found by cutting the span at distance x from the left, and summing moments. This gives,
     M1 + 3x(x/2) - 3x = 0
     M1 = 3x - 1.5x2 kN-m
Now that the moment equation is known for the span, it can be integrated once to find the beam rotation, and a second time for beam deflection,
The deflection, v1, for the span AB is know at x = 0 and x = 2 m. Using these two boundary conditions, gives
     v1(x=0) = 0.5 (0)3 - 0.125 (0)4 + C1 (0) + C2
          ==> C2 = 0
     v1(x=2) = 0.5 (2)3 - 0.125 (2)4 + C1 (2) + 0
          ==> C1 = -1
This give the beam rotation as
     EIv' = (1.5x2 - 0.5x3 -1) kN-m2


Beam Deflection at Point C
  The beam moment of inertia, I, is
     I = 83(4)/12 = 170.7 cm4 = 170.7e-8 m4
     EI = (10e9 N/m2)(170.7e-8 m4 ) = 17.07 kN/m2
The beam rotation at B is
     v'(x=2) = (6 - 4 -1)/EI
               = (1 kN-m2)/(17.07 kn-m2)
               = 0.05858 radians

The final deflection at C can be determined by noting that that beam rotation at B is also the slope at B. The final deflection is just the angle (or slope) times the distance,
      δC = θ d =0.05858 (2 m)
         = 0.1172 m